Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
How can growing up be both exciting and painful??
Well while growing up I've had good and bad times. That's just a part of everyday life. Sometimes when you're a little kid you are so anxious to grow up and be a grown up, but when you do and have to deal with the responsibilities of being a grown up you want to be a kid again. It can be exciting because you get to experience so many things that you probably couldn't do as a child it also can be painful because some times you aren't ready to experience certain situations. Then you are feeling very lost cause you probably are normally use to your parents help with things and then suddenly when you grow up you're on your own. Personally that's how I feel about growing up.
Well while growing up I've had good and bad times. That's just a part of everyday life. Sometimes when you're a little kid you are so anxious to grow up and be a grown up, but when you do and have to deal with the responsibilities of being a grown up you want to be a kid again. It can be exciting because you get to experience so many things that you probably couldn't do as a child it also can be painful because some times you aren't ready to experience certain situations. Then you are feeling very lost cause you probably are normally use to your parents help with things and then suddenly when you grow up you're on your own. Personally that's how I feel about growing up.
What I learned while reading this article was that the Americans were really being treated badly by the British. I read in the American history book that the Boston Massacre was started by little boys throwing snowballs at the British soldiers. Then in this article its like the soldiers just started shooting innocent people that were just standing around. It really doesn't matter which reason it was because they still didn't have a reason to hurt and put innocent people in danger. What surprised me most about the situation was that the British didn't have any remorse about what they did. I can't believe that some people could be so heartless and think about no one other than themselves.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
1. To protect the people from being harmed
2. Provides assistance like medicaid and welfare
3. They enforce laws so that the world can run smoothly
4. Give people the opportunity to get a good education
5. The government allows their citizens to vote
If my government didn't fulfill the purposes that I listed above I think I would join a revolution. I don't think I would want to live somewhere I didn't have any rights or protection. It's also very helpful of them to provide assistance for those who aren't as fortunate as others. We also have the right to vote and that means we have some kind of input on what is going on around us and who should be representing us. So as long as they continue to do those things listed above I don't think there is any reason for a revolution but if they don't I think we as people should start a revolution.
2. Provides assistance like medicaid and welfare
3. They enforce laws so that the world can run smoothly
4. Give people the opportunity to get a good education
5. The government allows their citizens to vote
If my government didn't fulfill the purposes that I listed above I think I would join a revolution. I don't think I would want to live somewhere I didn't have any rights or protection. It's also very helpful of them to provide assistance for those who aren't as fortunate as others. We also have the right to vote and that means we have some kind of input on what is going on around us and who should be representing us. So as long as they continue to do those things listed above I don't think there is any reason for a revolution but if they don't I think we as people should start a revolution.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Assignment 8: Would you stay or would you go?
Honestly I don't think I would trade places with anyone in the 18th century. I love my family and I'm very attached to them. If I were to ever leave them I don't think I would be anymore good. I respect the people who lived during that century because of the things they did that give us the opportunity to do things we are able to do. I just don't think I could give up my cell phone and my radio and my other personal things that make me happy. They didn't have as much as we do now and if I were to jump back a couple of centuries I think I would be totally lost and confused not knowing how to adapt. Others may feel differently from me and would love to trade place but that's just not my cup of tea. The main reason I would refuse is because of the love I have for my family point blank period!
Monday, August 27, 2007
A Well-Ordered Family
I read Benjamin Wadsworth, A Well-Ordered Family. It was about the duties of Husbands and Wives. While reading it I learned that they dealt with marriage kind of similar to the way that we deal with it today then there were a couple of things that really upset me. For example it was like the men treated their wives as property and not as their spouse someone that they should treat as equal. It's like they thought the wife should obey them and go by everything they said. It really surprised me that some of this is still going on today because there still are men who think that because you marry them you become their property and that you should do as you are told. I really don't agree with that. I do like how it stated that you should love your husband or wife no matter the circumstances. If you are beautiful, healthy and wealthy but your significant other isn't you should still live up to the vows that you made when you all joined as one. If I were to ever get married I would respect my husband but he would also have to respect me and it's not a 25/50 marriage it's a 50/50 marriage which means both of our thoughts and opinions matter. Also one doesn't over rule the other one because that's not what a marriage is about, you both should work together as a team and love each other. It also was stated that if the wife is disobedient it is up to the husband to discipline her which is such nonsense because the wife is just as grown as the husband. No man should put or attempt to put his hand on any woman in any kind of way. Another thing that I'm so glad isn't going on today is that your parents sometimes chose who their child was married to. I feel sorry for the ones who were matched up and forced to marry someone that they didn't really wanna be with. Really it was interesting to read about how it was then and now see how it is now.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Assignment 1: Should I Stay or Should I Go?
I think the thing that motivates immigrants to come to the United States is more freedom. They probably don't have as much freedom where their from like we do in the United States. The advantages they have are chances to get better paying jobs and probably better homes. The things they lose are there environment that they are so familiar with and they have to get use to a whole new different enviornment. Sometimes they are also put through alot of unneccesary things to be legal in the country.
If I ever decieded to leave the United States it wouldn't be for freedom it would be for economic reason because bascially I feel I have have enough freedom. To be honest I don't think I would ever leave the United States,Im happy here. The only thing I don't like is the fact tof all the soilders killed in the war and the fact that their familys have to suffer. Other than that really Im proud to be an American.
If I ever decieded to leave the United States it wouldn't be for freedom it would be for economic reason because bascially I feel I have have enough freedom. To be honest I don't think I would ever leave the United States,Im happy here. The only thing I don't like is the fact tof all the soilders killed in the war and the fact that their familys have to suffer. Other than that really Im proud to be an American.
Monday, August 13, 2007
First Impressions
When we first started working on the blog I really didn't think I was going to like it that much. It seemed liked it was going to be something very complicated but in the end it turned out to be alright. I think I will enjoy using the blog during this class semester. Well at least I hope I enjoy it.
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